Sharing impact stories of some of the Chemo Noir recipients. We are happy to have helped over 100 patients in our community since our inception in 2017. Be inspired and keep fighting the good fight!
Please note that our funding opportunities will reopen in 1Q25. Thank you for supporting our mission!
“In the whirlwind of cancer treatments while my newborn was just released from the NICU, Chemo Noir's support was a lifeline. Their assistance didn't just alleviate the financial strain; it represented a community rallying behind us during our darkest moments. As we grappled with the emotional and physical strains of medical treatments, their support alleviated the immense burden of mounting medical bills, providing a profound sense of relief during an otherwise overwhelming time. Their generosity not only lightened our financial load but also infused us with the strength and reassurance needed to focus on what truly mattered: healing and cherishing the precious moments with our newborn while fighting the good fight. I am endlessly grateful for Chemo Noir's unwavering support, which played an invaluable role in our journey toward remission and the joyful milestones that followed.Today, as I bask in almost three years of remission, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for Chemo Noir, Kat Casey and the Chemo Noir Team, and the amazing donors that made it all possible!” - Sydney
“...I truly believe that emotional health is as important to healing as physical health. You have given us back our hope...and we cannot thank you enough.”
To the amazing team at Chemo Noir:
When I was first diagnosed with lung cancer, I had no idea just how much this journey would impact my family and me. My cancer was Stage 2, and the doctors thought that the treatment would be short. We went into battle with high hopes. I say “we” because my cancer not only affects me and my health, but that of my family as well. My wife is a “glass half full” kind of gal, and that helped me keep my spirits up, but as it turned out, my treatment was not the walk in the park we had first expected. Rather, it lingered on and on with every “last treatment” resulting in another round and then another round, etc. Not only did the treatments result in the loss of my hair, the loss of my appetite, multiple bouts of thrush, frightening trips to the emergency room, but it also resulted in us beginning to doubt that we’d get through this financially. The doctors’ visits, endless prescriptions, and continuing chemo treatments became extremely expensive. To add to the emotional toll of dealing with cancer, we now had to deal with the reality of not being able to afford the treatments. My wife and I are on Social Security, and we struggle enough to get by without huge medical expenses. When we realized that we were unable to afford the treatments, we began to lose hope. We have always been a hard-working family. In fact, I worked up until my cancer prohibited me from continuing to work. My wife took on a temporary part-time job, but with each added expense, our life as we knew it disappeared. In its place was financial stress and the guilt and anguish that comes along with not being able to provide for our family’s needs.
Just when we were at our lowest, our angel, Pat, appeared. She referred us to Chemo Noir to see if they could possibly help with our situation. Your organization reached out to us and took the financial strain off our backs. It was like being led from the darkness into the light. We could breathe again. We could concentrate solely on my health without worrying about the financial burden. Our spirits were lifted, and we can continue our battle with strength and courage.
Your organization allowed us to fight the good fight, and we will continue to do so thanks to people like you. My latest scans have been good, and I truly believe that emotional health is as important to healing as physical health. You have given us back our hope. You have been the answer to our prayers, and we cannot thank you enough.
If someone were to ask me to sum up Chemo Noir in one word, it would be miracle. Your organization was the miracle my wife and I needed when we had reached our lowest point. Once again, our glass is half full.
God bless Chemo Noir. You are helping so many people fight—and WIN--the battle of their lives.
Dave and Kathy
I am profoundly grateful to Chemo Noir for their support during my battle with breast cancer. Their generosity has made an immeasurable difference on my life. I was able to receive vital financial assistance that allowed me to focus on my treatment and recovery. The relief I felt in a time of deep stress and uncertainty was incredible. Chemo Noir provided me with a ray of hope when I needed it most. I am deeply grateful for Chemo Noir’s compassion and generosity and honored to have been a beneficiary of their incredible work. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. - Aimee
“This is the most amazing news, I have been crying tears of joy since I read your email. With all of the heavy I have experienced, Chemo Noir has taken a huge load off of me and given me peace of mind and less to worry about. I am honored that you and your board members decided to help me through this difficult journey. Your organization is genuine in love, giving and helping patients that are struggling to fight this disease. I am so grateful and appreciative of all that you do. Please let me know if you need anything from me and I will do my best to help. I extend a special thank you to you, Kat for submitting this request on my behalf. May you have many blessings..
With Extreme Gratitude and Love!”
I consider myself truly blessed despite my battle with cancer and grieving for my precious son to be referred to your organization. Your quick response and genuine compassion to a perfect stranger brought myself and my family to tears of joy.
Despite dealing with the diagnosis of breast cancer, my heart full of fear turned out to be nothing compared to the day the Detectives knocked on my door that Sunday morning to inform me my only son Alex was killed by a distracted driver on his way home from work.I wanted to hurts to live every day without him. My mom would make me go to chemo while I sat there and cried, wanting to give up. I had lunch with my son that day March 3rd at Outback to celebrate my birthday not ever imagining that was the last time I would hug and kiss him goodbye for the last time. My son just turned 26, he was very responsible and driven. He worked at the Beaches Bike shop all thru school and finally last year got a break. He was hired by Ringpower...he loved it !! He continued to work his second job as concert security every weekend saving to buy his own home. His many friends spoke at his service and they all spoke of his loyalty, free spirit and his LOVE for life .I then discovered at 26 yrs old he brought more joy and accomplished so much in his short time here than most people can do in a lifetime. The morning of March 9th over 500 people showed up to celebrate my son.We were blown away.To say he is missed by many is an understatement.
I know he would want me to keep experiencing life, love and laughter for him till it It is my time to crossover and he'll be there to take my hand. I now have a guardian Angel looking over me from above and Chemo Noir Angels here..with your help I don't have the financial stress, anxiety every day and somehow feel that God sent you to me..with gratitude forever in my heart. Please feel free to use our names, If I can go on to give strength and encourage women painful story will have a purpose and make my son proud !!! SO THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
To Chemo Noir,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank your organization for all you have done and are doing in helping our patient with financial struggles. Our patients that have received your help are extremely appreciative and thankful. They would not have had a way to pay for their treatment if it wasn't for Chemo Noir's help. The assistance you give our patient helps them to fight the battle against cancer and for their lives. It gives them encouragement and it lifts their spirit up; they can concentrate on their health without worrying about the financial burden as many drugs are very expensive.
As a Financial Counselor I can't express how beneficial and uplifting is to have a program that is always available to help patients fight their battle and gives them hope! When there was no other place for them to turn to. Thank you for your generosity, and may God continue to bless Chemo Noir.
Pat Walsh
Financial Counselor
“I can’t express how beneficial and uplifting it is to have a program that is out there to help you beyond the initial fight... the fight for your life…”
I was diagnosed with Colon cancer 12/20/2019. They did not know what stage, nor could they explain anything to me. I was referred to a doctor that specialized in colon surgeries. My first appointment with him was discovering I needed an Oncologist and how fast they would be performing my first surgery. In January 2020, I had my first surgery where they removed ½ of my colon, but prior to surgery I meet with my Oncologist and did all my exams to find out it was stage 4 that metastasized to the liver. The surgeon doing my colon removal tried to get to the cancer in the liver but was not successful. The next months were spent receiving chemo twice a week and finally receiving another surgery in November. We talked with the surgeon that performed my liver resection of lob 6 and 7. While the liver was out, he found another spot-on lob 8 and was able to remove that.
My recovery time was long after the liver resection surgery, but I continued to receive my scans and blood work every 3 months. They gave me a 50% chance either way over those next few months. I started to run high fevers in January 2021 and after another scan they found a spot in my right lung. They immediately started me on steroids and antibiotics but within one week my right lung and part of my left lung had filled up. I was admitted into the hospital where they started me on medications to treat bacteria and viral infection. I was moved to high flow oxygen within a day and continue to go up over the next few days. I was set to be put on a ventilator when I started maintaining my own oxygen and over the next weeks I was finally released. This 2-year journey has been hard, but I continue to fight along with my blood work and scans every 3 months, but this is not my story.
My story starts with being adopted when I was just an infant. Going through school with amazing friends and then to college in Ohio. Marring my long-time girlfriend back in 1997 and having 3 great kids. My twins in February of 1999 and another son in March of 2000. Finding and meeting my birth mother and my 3 half-sisters. The jobs, new friends, travel and all the memories I have shared with my wife, kids and family. Those are my stories and that is what I have always been thankful for! I am blessed for the people that have come into my life and the people I meet along the way in this journey of my life story. I am thankful for Kat and everything Chemo Noir has done to help me and my family. I hope, pray and fight for more time to continue my story.
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous help. I apologize for not responding sooner but was dealing with the side effects of my my last chemo treatment. I’m feeling better and looking forward to a better future. I raise my glass of Pinot Noir to you and your team.”
Tom McManus and our friends at The Horse’s Mouth did an amazing job telling the Chemo Noir story and the impact that we are having in the Jacksonville community. You can hear more from our partners and sponsors here: (My Choice Housecalls, DOME and Casa Marina) (Allstate’s Angie King, The Sangria Truck and Southern Swells) (Kat Casey and Nicole Bickford, director of partners & sponsors)
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Chemo Noir for the Financial assistance they have provided during my battle with None Hoskins Lymphoma.
When I was diagnosed with cancer it was a devastating day. I was very emotional and all I could think of was how was I going to deal with this, a big concern was a financial one, as I knew that the cost of treatment was very high. I was being treated at MD Anderson they suggested that I contact Chemo Noir that they could possibly assist with helping with co-pay assistance.
I contacted Chemo Noir and they were able to help; this was a huge relief and enabled me to concentrate on my treatment.
I feel that without this help I would have had a hard time making it through treatment and beyond.”
“ …I can focus on taking care of my physical and emotional health thanks to the generosity of Chemo Noir.”
“Without the financial help from Chemo Noir, I would not be able to continue the treatments I need to save my life.”